What is Emotional Intelligence and Why Does it Matter?
Here at Modig Leadership, we truly believe that the most important tool to have in your toolbox is emotional intelligence.
Hold on, I can hear your objections already….
But shouldn’t it be your SOP’s, regular review of your P&L’s, increasing your sales performance, or communication, or whatever else you think may be a priority?
While all those things are really important, they aren’t the foundation that will give you the growth you desire within your organization, and we’ll explain why!
Several studies have concluded that 90% of your decisions are based on emotions.
90%!!!! That’s huge!
This article from Inc.com even makes the case that 95% of our purchasing decisions are based on emotions.
Do we have your attention yet?
If you lack emotional regulation, think about the impact this is going to have on every decision you and people in your organization make, whether it be personal or professional?
As a leader, you know that one decision can make or break your organization and when your organization is full of leaders that lack EI, you can do the math and figure out how much you may be leaving on your profitability table.
Emotional intelligence is all about being able to identify your emotions, using your emotions as a proponent of productivity, and being able to manage your emotions and those of others.
As a leader, EI is the most important skill to have — even more important than your IQ! When star performers are compared to average ones in a senior leadership role, over 90% of the differences in their profiles are attributable to emotional intelligence.
Sure, you may have years of experience and loads of technical skills, but if you are not able to harness your emotions to reflect inward and build stronger relationships with others you will not be an effective leader.
Here are seven characteristics of an individual who is high in emotional intelligence:
1. They are agents of change
When people can control their emotions rather than let their emotions control them, they don’t fear change! They embrace it.
Change can cause emotional turmoil in even the most flexible people, but when an individual can understand why they feel the way that they do and manage their emotions, they will ultimately be able to work through their negative emotions about their situation.
2. They are self-aware
When people are high in emotional intelligence, they are VERY self-aware. People with high levels of self awareness often use candor, speak openly about their emotions, and know their strengths and weaknesses. This allows them to be honest with themselves, resulting in a better relationship with themselves and others.
3. They are empathetic
Empathetic people are able to understand what others are feeling, see things from their point of view and put themselves in the shoes of another person.
A high degree of emotional intelligence allows one not only to connect deeply with other individuals but also gain an awareness for how they may be experiencing certain situations or environments which can help them adjust more efficiently to the situation at hand.
4. They are not perfectionists
Those who are emotionally intelligent have a realistic approach to life and have a great understanding of themselves and others.They know that not everything can be perfect, so they’re flexible and willing for change when it’s needed most — always rolling with the punches!
5. They are balanced
Those with high emotional intelligence know how important it is to take care of themselves and showcase this skill by eating well, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep. They also make sure they have a life outside the workplace!
6. They are curious
Those with high levels of emotional intelligence have a natural sense of curiosity and wonder, which makes them an enjoyable companion. They don’t judge others but rather are open to hearing sides; exploring new possibilities in order find solutions for everyone involved
7. They are gracious
The people who are best at managing their emotions are able to find the silver lining in every day and see it as a gift. They feel good about themselves, which helps them not let others’ negativity affect how they view life!
So now that you know what someone with a high degree of emotional intelligence looks like, do you think you are emotionally intelligent?
We teach the exact skills needed to increase emotional intelligence not only individually, but within organizations teams as well. In fact, we kind of geek out on it and love to see the transformations and successes our clients have when we do this kind of work.
If you are interested in jump-starting your path to a higher degree of emotional intelligence, shoot us an email at hello@modigleadership.com and we can see what we can do to best support you on this journey!

Brenda Lee is a Leadership Development and Team Building expert to some of the world’s most exciting entrepreneurs and professionals who have all the trappings of success but have hit a barrier they are ready to breakthrough.
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